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300X Label Printer

NeuraLabel 300x GHS Printer

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1.5 x 3 Inkjet Matte Vinyl - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor 1.5 x 3 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
1.5 x 3 Inkjet Matte Vinyl - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor
1.5 x 3 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Removed - Sample Roll Pricing
4 x 6 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - No Perf - Black Sensor - 1000 Labels/Roll 4 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 5 x 9 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - .25" Gap - 500/Stack
4 x 6 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - No Perf - Black Sensor - 1000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Removed - Sample Roll Pricing
4 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 5 x 9 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - .25" Gap - 500/Stack
8 x 12 Matte Paper - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Sensor - 2000/Roll 4 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss Strong Adh. - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed
8 x 12 Matte Paper - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Sensor
4 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed - Strong
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfolded - 2000/Stack 1.25 x 3 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - Sensor - .25" Gap - 2000/Roll 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - .25" Gaps - .25" Gutters - No Perf - Sensor Printed
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Poly BOPP - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfolded - 2000/Stack 1.25 x 3 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - Sensor - .25" Gap - 2000/Roll 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - .25" Gaps - .25" Gutters - No Perf - Sensor Printed - Matrix Removed
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Poly - .25" Gaps - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll 5 x 6 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor 5 x 7 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor
Volume Discounts Available
Order Minimum: 4 Rolls (1 Case)
10 Business Days before Shipment
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet High Gloss No Perforation - 8" OD.
2000 Labels Per Roll.
For use with Inkjet Technologies.
Price Per Roll
5 x 6 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor  - 900/Roll 5 x 7 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor  - 750/Roll
1.75 x 3.5 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - Sensor - .25" Gap - 1800/Roll 3 x 3.5 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - Sensor - 1750/Roll 2 x 4 Inkjet Gloss BOPP - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor
1.75 x 3.5 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - Sensor - .25" Gap - 1800/Roll 3 x 3.5 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - Sensor - 1750/Roll 2 x 4 Inkjet Gloss BOPP - .25" Gap - Printed Sensor
8 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 2 x 2 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor - 3000/Roll 6 x 4 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Black Sensor
8 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed 2 x 2 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor - 3000/Roll 6 x 4 Inkjet Matte Paper - Sensor - 1500 Labels/Roll
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Matte Vinyl Film - No Perf - .25" Gap - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Paper - No Perf - .25" Gaps - Black Sensor 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Sensor - .25" Gap - 1000/Roll
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Matte Vinyl Film - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Removed - .25" Gaps
4 x 6 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - Sensor - 900 Labels/Roll 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Fanfolded - Sensor - 1000/Roll
Sample Test Roll
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Matte Vinyl - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfolded - 2000/Stack 4.75 x 10.5 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - .25" Gap - Sensor - 600/Roll 8 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss Strong Adh. - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Matte Vinyl - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfolded - 2000/Stack 4.75 x 10.5 Inkjet Gloss Poly - No Perf - .25" Gap - Sensor - 600/Roll 8 x 12 Inkjet Semi Gloss - Crosscuts - Perfed - Sensor Printed - Strong
3.75 x 4.75 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - 3 x 3 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfold - .125" Gaps - Sensor 5 x 9 Inkjet Matte Poly Film - Fanfolded - Sensor - .25" Gap - 500/Stack
3.75 x 4.75 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - . 1250/Roll 3 x 3 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfold - .125" Gaps - Sensor 5 x 9 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - .25" Gap - 500/Stack
4 x 2.5 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor - 2500/Roll 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - .25" Gaps - No Perf - Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Clear Gloss Polyester - .25" Gaps - No Perf - Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
4 x 2.5 Inkjet Gloss Polypro - No Perf - .125" Gaps - Sensor - 2500/Roll 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Removed - .25" Gap - .25" Gutters
1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Clear Gloss Polyester - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Removed - .25" Gap - .25" Gutters
4 x 12 Inkjet Matte Paper - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfold 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - .25" Gaps - No Perf - Matrix Remains - Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll 3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor
4 x 12 Inkjet Matte Paper - .25" Gaps - Sensor - Fanfold 1.5 x 2.75 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - No Perf - Black Sensor - 2000 Labels/Roll
Matrix Remains - .25" Gap - .25" Gutters
3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack
4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor 3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor 2 x 8.5 Inkjet Semi Gloss Paper - 4UP - Fanfolded - Sensor - 5000/Stack
4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack 3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack 2 x 8.5 Inkjet Semi Gloss Paper - 4UP - Fanfolded - Sensor - 5000/Stack
3 x 3 Inkjet Matte PolyPro - Fanfolded - .25" Gaps - Sensor - 4000/Stack 4 x 6 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Poly - Fanfolded- .25" Gaps - Sensor -
3 x 3 Inkjet Matte PolyPro - Fanfolded - .25" Gaps - Sensor - 4000/Stack 4 x 6 Inkjet High Gloss Paper - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Poly - Fanfolded- .25" Gaps - Sensor - 1668/Stack
3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Fanfolded - Sensor 3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - Fanfolded - Sensor 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Fanfolded - Sensor
3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack 3.5 x 4.5 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack 4 x 6 Inkjet Matte Polypro - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack
4 x 6 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - Fanfolded - Sensor
4 x 6 Inkjet Gloss Polyester - Fanfolded - Sensor - 2500/Stack