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Primera LX400 and LX200
Comparable Tuffcoat Labels


Smooth, bright white face sheet with permanent, general purpose adhesive. Excellent adhesion to cardboard, metals and most plastics. High-gloss finish is very abrasion resistant and highly water-resistant.
Primera Comparable Tuffcoat Semi-Gloss 
Smooth face sheet with permanent general purpose adhesive. Excellent adhesion to cardboard, metals and most plastics. Some water resistance, excellent abrasion resistance.
Primera Comparable Tuffcoat Extreme Matte White Polyester
Bright white matte finish with abrasion resistance. General purpose acrylic adhesive with excellent adhesion to glass, metals and most plastics. Please inquire about specific sizes available and current pricing.
Bright white shinny finish with excellent water resistance. General purpose acrylic adhesive. Must use reduced saturation settings in LX-Series printer driver software.
Optically clear shinny finish with excellent water resistance. General purpose acrylic adhesive. Must use reduced saturation settings in LX-Series printer driver software.
Primera Comparable Tuffcoat Extreme White Matte Polypropylene
Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) is a polypropylene film with a matte finish. Excellent clarity, resistant to oils and greases, good puncture and flex-crack resistance over a wide range of temperatures, not affected by moisture and doesn’t wrinkle or shrink with environmental changes.